Savoir Faire

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction and What Can You Do About It?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects men of all ages but becomes increasingly prevalent with age. Millions of men struggle with it but shockingly few ever seek treatment.

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Survey Results: Can I Have Facial Hair During A Job Interview?

When it comes to the workplace, whether you’re job hunting or if you’ve been in your role for some time, consider the first impression your facial hair is giving to recruiters and current co-workers. Is is positive or negative?

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Natural Sleep Aids: Which Ones Really Improve Sleep?

We’ve dug into the scientific evidence for the most common natural sleep aids that are commonly marketed as helping to improve sleep.

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Hair Falling Out in Clumps: What it is and Why it Happens

Even if you’re not going bald, It’s normal for a small amount of your hair to fall out every day. In fact, experts agree that the average person loses between 50 and 150 hairs per day as part of their normal hair growth cycle. Normal hair shedding tends to affect ...

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Do You Have Any of These Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction?

When you hear the dreaded words “erectile dysfunction,” do you think of it as a condition that only affects older men? While age is certainly a factor in determining your risk for ED, it can affect men of any age. Problems with sexual dysfunction can be difficult or embarrassing to ...

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Men’s Skin Care Regime for Guys In a Hurry

We get it, you’re busy. Everyone is these days. And though “busy” can’t be a valid excuse for everything good for you that you decide to skip out on, it can motivate you to find speedier, more efficient methods for things like skin care.

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Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction: What Every Man Needs to Know

There is a phenomenon where healthy, sexually active men find themselves unable to perform when it comes to being intimate with a girlfriend or partner. A medical exam reveals nothing physically to be wrong which only leads to more confusion. It is only a review of personal habits that points ...

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Tretinoin 101: How it Works, Uses, Side Effects & More

Available as a topical cream, gel or liquid, tretinoin is a retinoid medication that’s widely used to treat acne and reverse many of the visual signs of aging. Tretinoin is also commonly known as ATRA, or all-transretinoic acid.

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Do You Really Need Erectile Dysfunction Drugs?

The following is informational only and does not constitute medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Erectile dysfunction is a problem that has always existed but only since the 1990s has come to the forefront of health education. Since then, numerous medications ...

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What Are the Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction has many potential causes, but most of them are treatable. Psychological causes for ED can be treated with psychotherapy and various non-medical treatments while physical causes for ED can be treated with drugs, surgery, or medical devices.

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