Can PE Be Cured Permanently?

If you’ve found your way to this article, it’s likely because you or your sexual partner are worried about premature ejaculation (PE).

The good news is that premature ejaculation isn’t an uncommon sexual dysfunction.

We know: “Dysfunction” can make it sound harsh, but know that PE affects up to 30% of the male population. 

Here’s the good news: Because PE affects so many, plenty of treatment options have been developed to help curb the ejaculatory reflex and slow time to ejaculation. 

In simpler terms, so many men suffer from premature ejaculation that there’s been a demand for different techniques, treatments, products and medications that all give you more control over your ejaculation.

But before we get into your best treatment options, read on to see whether or not PE can be cured permanently.

What Is Premature Ejaculation?

In this paper, premature ejaculation is described as recurring ejaculation that occurs with minimal stimulation either before, during or after penetration during sexual intercourse, leaving the person afflicted with little to no control over their ejaculation. 

PE can happen more often than not, leaving the individual and their partner feeling frustrated, upset, and sometimes even avoiding sex altoghter. 

If that’s you or your partner, keep reading because we’ll be detailing helpful options to treat your PE. 

But first, to help you decide which treatments or methods might work best for you, here’s a breakdown of some underlying PE causes:  

Lifelong PE

This scientific review characterizes lifelong PE as penetrative ejaculation that usually happens one minute or less during intercourse. 

Other afflictions like early erections and rapid ejaculation during other sexual encounters are not uncommon. 

Lifelong PE has also been linked to familial occurrence and different genetic variations, suggesting that a person can be born with a predisposition to this medical condition. 

Acquired PE

Acquired PE is linked to a number of psychological factors like anxiety over sexual performance, emotional issues, relationship problems and other types of erectile dysfunction. 

People who suffer from acquired PE experience normal ejaculations in their lifetime but develop the loss of control over ejaculation over time. 

Variable PE and subjective PE are also two classifications for premature ejaculations but for the sake of getting you the answers you need we’ll be focusing on lifelong and acquired PE. 

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Can PE Be Cured Permanently?

Since rapid ejaculation can be caused by any number of factors — or combination of factors — it can be tricky to nail down a one-size-fits-all PE cure. 

However, research suggests that people with lifelong or acquired PE who combine selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor dapoxetine with psychosexual behavioral therapy and psychological therapy are likely to benefit. 

Translation: Therapy combined with dapoxetine can help treat your PE.

So, while none of these options can be considered a guaranteed permanent cure, they have been shown to help.

What about PE Surgery? 

There are a few different surgeries available to treat premature ejaculation, however the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) doesn’t recommend these as options because, in their estimation, the risk for permanent damage and loss of sexual function could be too great. 

Alternative PE Solutions

We’re not saying you should completely rule out surgery. What you do with your most prized organ is between you and your healthcare provider. 

But there are several non-surgical treatments to choose from, if you’d rather not go under the knife. 

Medications For PE You Can Take

Exercises You Can Do

  • Pelvic floor exercises have shown promising results in helping individuals delay their ejaculations. These exercises, when done regularly, can serve as a drug-free alternative for PE.

  • Sex therapy or working with a psychosexual therapist could also be a great way to deal with the underlying psychological causes of premature ejaculation. 

Techniques You Can Use

  • The pause-squeeze technique: This method involves having sex until just before orgasm, at which point you stop and place pressure on the head of your penis to decrease arrousal. Repeat this a few times until YOU are ready to climax. 

  • Stop-start technique: In this method, you stop having sex when you feel the urge to orgasm and wait until the urge passes completely. Then start again and repeat.  

Over-the-Counter Treatments You Can Try

  • There are a number of topical anesthetics on the market like this Hims Climax Delay Spray that help you go for longer and enjoy yourself with confidence. 

  • Condoms may not be your first choice — or even your 15th — but you can’t argue with the results. Using condoms to decrease sensitivity during sex can be an effective way to last longer. 

  • Lidocaine products have also become a popular option for delayed ejaculation. Most products contain a 5% lidocaine solution and can be applied 20 minutes before you plan to get down and dirty. The lidocaine decreases sensitivity so that you can relax knowing you won’t ejaculate too early. 

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Premature Ejaculation and a Permanent Cure

If you take anything away from the above information, know that if you’re experiencing PE,  you’re not alone. 

And while there’s no guaranteed, permanent or FDA-approved cure for PE, there are numerous options you can choose from to help you treat it.

If you’re ready to start exploring medication or other options, consulting with a healthcare professional is a great place to start. 

In the meantime, keep your head up — pun intended — and know that a healthy sex life and enjoyable sexual activity can still be yours.  

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.